
14. Free Grace


The voice of free grace 
Cries, escape to the mountain, 
For Adam’s lost race, 
Christ has opened a fountain, 
For sin and transgression 
And every pollution, 
The blood it flows freely 
In streams of salvation. 
The blood it flows freely  
In streams of salvation.

[Chorus] Hallelujah to the Lamb, 
Who hath purchased our pardon, 
We’ll praise him again, 
When we pass over Jordan, 
We’ll praise him again, 
When we pass over Jordan

This fountain so clear, 
In which all may find pardon, 
From Jesus’ side flows 
In plenteous redemption: 
Tho’ your sins they were raised 
As high as a mountain, 
The blood it flows freely 
From Jesus, the fountain. 
Hallelujah, etc.

O Jesus! ride on, 
Thy kingdom is glorious, 
Over sin, death and hell 
Thou wilt make us victorious, 
Thy name shall be praised 
In the great congregation, 
And saints shall delight 
Ascribing salvation. 
Hallelujah, etc.

When on Zion we stand, 
Having gain’d the blest shore, 
With our harps in our hands 
We will praise him evermore, 
We will range the blest fields 
On the banks of the river, 
And sing hallelujahs For ever and over. 
Hallelujah, etc.