
434. ‘Lord, dismiss us hence with gladness.’


1. L ord, d ism iss us henc e w ith gladness,
Be Thy people’s lot our choice:
’Tis thy foes have need of sadness,
But Thy people may rejoice:
Who shall harm them,
While they hear and know Thy voice ?2 From Thy word with food provided,
May we feed thereon, and grow ; 
And by Thee, the Saviour, guided, 
Through the pathless desert go : 
While the gospel 
Charms our heart from all below.

3. Saviour, keep all evil from us,
Go before us in the way,
’Till we reach the land of promise,
Be Thy word our. guide and stay;
Joy and triumph 
Shall be our’s in that blest day.

4. Then Thy people’s griefs are over,
Then Thy people cease to fight;
In that day Thou wilt discover 
All Thy glory to our sight—
God our portion,
God our everlasting lig ht!