1. Jesus, hail! exalted Saviour,
We adore Thy matchless grace;
Thou didst bear our misbehaviour,
Suff’ring in our room and place ;
Wrath and terror
Sunk Thy soul in deep disgrace.
2. For us Thou didst bear the horrors
Of the judgment unto blood;
Who can understand the sorrows
Of Thy soul in wrath’s deep flood.
Fearful anguish!
Only fully known to God.
3. Yet, through grace, we know in measure,
What Thy love for us hath done,
And we hope, through Thy good pleasure,
To behold Thee on Thy throne,
And for ever,
Sing the vict’ries Thou hast won.
4. By Thy Spirit’s operation,
Into death, Thy death, baptiz’d,
Risen with Thee, Thy Salvation
Is by us no more despis’d:
Therefore baptism
Must by us be dearly priz’d.