1. O t h e matchless love of God;
He hath bought the church with blood:
Jesus, her exalted Head,
For her sigh’d, and groan’d, and bled.
2. She deserv’d eternal pain,
But the Lamb for her was slain;
He endur’d the wrath of heav’n
That her sins might be forgiv’n.
3. He invites us to this feast;
Bids our souls His glories taste;
And with pleasure keep in view,
What He once for us went through.
4. Hear Him speak, ye saved few
For this word is sent to you;
You, the objects of His choice,
Listen to the Saviour’s voice:
5. “ This, my body is, and blood;
Take, receive it, as your food;
But, as oft as this ye do,
Keep your m a rtyr’d Lord in view.
6. “ View Him in the church’s place,
Overwhelm’d in deep disgrace:
Plung’d in horror’s dreadful flood,
Bearing all the wrath of God.
7. “ Risen now, with wonder tell,
He has vanquish’d death and hell:
Cancell’d all your sins with blood,
And will bring you home to God.”
8. Shortly He Himself will come,
And will raise us to His throne;
Where His glories He’ll display,
Through a long and endless day.