
412. Breaking bread in love together


“ This do in remembrance of me.”—Luke xxii. 19.

1. B r e a k i n g  b r e a d  in  l o v e  to g e th e r ,
As our Master bid us do,
We have joy and profit, whether 
Men approve the deed or no ;
Sweet the seasons,
When our Saviour meets us so.

2. Love is cherish’d and augmented,
While we keep our Saviour’s laws;
And His people are contented 
To forego the world’s applause:
Should they suffer,
Pain is sweet in such a cause.

3. Saviour, hear Thy people praying,
Hear us from Thy throne of grace;
0  be here, Thy love displaying,
Let Thy people see Thy face;
’Tis Thy presence 
Renders sacred ev’ry place.
lord’s s u p p er .

4. Let us here have sweet communion 
With each other and with Thee ; 
Truth the sacred bond of union, 
Truth that makes Thy people free ;
Heav’n in prospect,
Heav’n where saints Thy glory see.