
408. ‘O how sweet, how comfortable’


1. 0  how sweet, how com fortable,
In th e wilderness to see 
Rich provisions, and  a table 
Spread fo r sinners, spread for m e!32 l o r d ’ s  s u p p e r .

2. Here Thy bounty still partaking,
In these signs of bread and wine,
Freely all things else forsaking,
I behold the Saviour mine.

3. In His bruised body broken,
In the shedding of His blood,
See, my soul, a gracious token,
Sure and full for ev’ry good.

4. To His cross for refuge flying,
Arm thee for the strife within;
There, from Thy Redeemer dying,
Learn the sinfulness of sin.

5. Cleans’d, and wash’d, and freely pardon’d,
By His matchless love and power;
Hear Him say (no longer harden’d),
“ Go in peace, and sin no more.”