1. B lessed day, the first of sev’n !
’Tis the day when Jesus rose;
And, with Him, the heirs of heav’n:
Blessed day, when saints repose!
2. Blessed day, when Christians meet,
Breaking bread in peace and love,
Sitting at the Saviour’s feet,
Drawing comforts from above!
3. Jesus died, and rose again;
Jesus took His place above:
Heaven was fill’d with rapture then ;
All was wonder, joy, and love.
4. Sing we then of Him Who died,
Him Who rose again and lives;
Sing of Jesus glorified,
Him Who all our sin forgives;
5. Him Who saves us by His grace,
Keeps us till the final day;
Gives us then a glorious place:
Sing of Him, for well we may.