
338. O that we never might forget.


1. O that we never might forget
What Christ has suffer’d for our sake,
To save our souls, and make us meet 
Of all His glory to partake;
But keeping this in mind, press on 
To glory and the victor’s throne.

2. But, gracious Lord, when we reflect
How oft we’ve tu rn’d the eye from Thee, 
And treating Thee with sad neglect,
Have listen’d to the enemy,
And yet to find Thee still the same—
’Tis this that humbles us with shame.

3. Astonish’d at Thy feet we fall,
Thy love exceeds our highest thought,
Henceforth be Thou our all in all,
Thou Who our souls with blood hast bought; 
May we henceforth more faithful prove,
And ne’er forget Thy ceaseless love.