
337. ‘O gracious Father! God of Love!’


1. O gra c ious Fath er! God of love!
We own Thy pow’r to save,—
That pow’r by w'hich our Shepherd rose 
Victorious o’er the grave.

2. Him from the dead Thou brought’st again,
When, by His sacred blood 
Confirm’d and seal’d for evermore,
Th’ eternal cov’nant stood.338

3. O let Thy Spirit seal our souls,
And mould them to Thy will,
That from Thy paths we ne’er may stray, 
But keep Thy precepts s till!

4. That to perfection’s sacred height
We nearer still may rise;
And all we think, and all we do,
Be pleasing in Thine eyes.