
312. ‘Great God, as Father Thee we claim’


1. Great God, as Father Thee we claim, 
And bless the Son’s most precious name,
Thro' Whom this grace is giv’n;
Who bore the curse to sinners due,
Who form d our ruin’d souls anew,
And made us heirs of heav’n.

2.’Tis by the Holy Ghost alone,
That Jesus Christ is made our own,
The Gift of Grace divine.
But since to us in Jesu’s face 
There shines the Glory of Thy Grace,
We know that we are Thine.

3. Then while we here together join,
Before the throne of Grace Divine,
Bow down a Father’s ear;
And while we listen to Thy word,
Or praise Thy name with glad accord, 
Amongst us, Lord, appear.