1. Who is the wondrous King,
Who there in glory stands?
What title doth He bring,
That worship He demands?
Jehovah’s name, in battle strong,
Alone can be the Church’s song.
2. The pow’rs of hell oppos’d,
When He in conflict bled;
And death’s strong bars were clos’d
Round His expiring head: —
But death and hell possess’d no pow’r,
To hold Him past th’ appointed hour.
3.’Twas for the church He bled,
’Twas for the Church He rose,
That she in Him, her Head,
Might overcome all foes: —
Jehovah Jesus is His name,
And all His deeds His worth proclaim.
4. Himself the Son of God,
The Lord, from conquest come;
He shed His precious blood,
That we might share His home.
Gladly we own His title, then,
And at His feet in worship bend.