
165. He bids us come; His voice we know.


1. H e bids us come; His voice we know, 
And boldly on the waters go,
To Him our God and Lord;
We walk on life’s tempestuous sea,
For He Who died to set us free 
Hath call’d us with His word

2. Secure, on boist’rous waves we tread, 
Nor all the billows round us dread,
While to the Lord we look;
The Tempter drives his vortex round; 
We pass it as on solid ground;
The wave is firm as rock.166

3. But if from Him we turn the eye, 
We see the raging floods run high,
We feel our fears w ithin;
Our foes so strong, our flesh so frail, 
Reason and unbelief prevail,
And plunge us into sin.

4. Lord! we our unbelief confess,
Do Thou our little faith increase,
That we may doubt no m ore;
But fix on Thee a steady eye,
And on Thine outstretch’d arm rely, 
Till all the storm is o’er.