1. G reat the joy when Christians m eet;
Christian fellowship how sweet!
When, their theme of praise the same,
They exalt Jehovah’s name!
2. Sing ye then eternal love,
Such as did the Father move:
He beheld the world undone;
Lov’d the world, and gave His Son.
3. Sing the Son’s unbounded love;
How He left the realms above;
To rejoin the Father’s side
With a blood-bought spotless Bride.
4. In the love too, make your boast,
That vouchsaf’d the Holy Ghost,
He has chas’d the mists away,
Turn’d our night to glorious day.
5. Sweet the thought, exceeding sw eet!
We shall soon in glory meet,
There to raise a sweeter strain,
Of redeeming love again.