1. Children of the heav’nly King,
As ye journey, sweetly sing;
Sing the Saviour’s worthy praise,
Glorious in His works and ways.
2. Ye are traveling home to God
In the way the fathers trod;
Soon, the dead in Christ, and ye
"With the Lord shall ever be.”
3. Shout, ye ransom’d flock and blest,
Ye on Jesus’ throne shall rest;
There your seat is now prepar’d,
There your kingdom and reward.
4. Fear not, though a feeble band,
Mid the conflict boldly stand:
Jesus Christ, God’s own dear Son,
Bids you undismay’d go on.
5. Lord, submissively we go,
Gladly leaving all below;
Only Thou our Leader be,
And we still will follow Thee.