
35. ‘The Lord is ris’‘n indeed’


1. ~~The Lord is ris’n indeed:
Then Justice asks no more;
Mercy and Truth are now agreed, 
Who stood oppos’d before.~~^Ps^ ^85:10^ ^-^ ^Justice^ ^and^ ^mercy^ ^have^ ^never^ ^been^ ^at^ ^variance^

2. The Lord is ris’n indeed:
Then all His work’s perform’d;
The captive Surety now is freed,
And Death, our foe, disarm’d.

3. The Lord is ris’n indeed:
He lives—to die no more;
He lives—His people’s cause to plead, 
Whose curse and shame He bore.

4. The Lord is ris’n indeed:
And Hell has lost its prey;
And with Him all the ransom’d seed, 
Shall reign in endless day.