
26. ‘Gracious Lord, my heart is fixed’


1. Gracious Lord, my heart is fixed; 
Sing I will, and sing of Thee,
Since the cup that justice mixed,
Thou hast drank, and drank for me.
Great Deliv’rer!
Thou hast set the pris’ner free.

2. Many were the chains that bound me,
But the Lord has loos’d them all:
Arms of mercy now surround me,
Favours these, nor few nor small: 
Saviour, keep me!
Keep Thy servant, lest he fall.

3. Fair the scene that lies before me;
Life eternal Jesus gives;
While He waves His banner o’er me,
Peace and joy my soul receives:
Sure His promise!
I shall live because He lives.

4. When the world would bid me leave Thee,
Telling me of shame and loss,
Saviour, guard me lest I grieve Thee,
Lest I cease to love Thy cross:
This is treasure;
All the rest I count but dross.