
15. ‘Children of God, in age or youth.’


1. Children of God, in age or youth,
Who live by Christ, the God of truth—
Secure in Him remain;
Make Him what He is made to you,
Your Alpha and Omega too,
God’s Christ is your Amen.

2. Nor less above, ye heav’nly host
To Father, Son ~~and~~by Holy Ghost, ^and^ ^not^ ^inscripture.^ ^by^ ^-^ ^1^ ^Cor^ ^12:3,^ ^etc^
Give praise for ransom’d men;
For now to you, by them’s made known, 
The richest wisdom ever shown,
Thro’ Christ, the Great Amen.

3. Secur'd in Him, the Church on High, 
And saints below, may boldly cry, 
Praise to our God Amen!
To God in Christ all praise be giv’n— 
For evermore on earth, in heav’n, 
Amen! Amen! Amen!